Coaching & Training

“The Deal” Individual Coaching Package 

This package accelerates your momentum for dramatic impact on reaching your goals and winning your game.

  • One-on-one coaching—sessions (via Zoom) with Joshua Lee, the creator of The Game Plan.

  • Weekly scheduled 60-minute sessions per month.

  • Five-minute laser coaching by phone between regular sessions

  • Unlimited between-session email/text support

  • “ALL-IN!” Curriculum Worksheets for reinforcing learning between sessions

  • Initial 3-month commitment, then we'll work month-to-month for as long as you like


GROUP COACHING for Practitioners: The Art and Science of Sociometry

Sociometry is the study of group interpersonal networks.  In other words, the art and science of measuring and mapping the undercurrents of group member interactions and dynamics.  You ever “lose the room” while facilitating or training a group?  Meaning, that some members of the group began to “act out” in ways that caught you off guard – you did not see it coming.  Perhaps, personalities are “clashing” within the group.  How is harmony going to be restored?  Don’t feel totally equipped to handle this type of group phenomenon?  Well you are not alone.  Managing group dynamics can be a complicated and stressful process.  Very experienced practitioners can see these things coming and intervene appropriately.  Have you given up on trying to become one?  

This advanced group facilitation skills group will train you to increase your ability to:                

  • Proactively assess group dynamics;

  • Intervene effectively with problematic group dynamics;

  • Apply sociometric tools, ie. spectrograms, locograms, etc. to an online platform;

  • Employ a Group-As-A-Whole (GAAW) lens through which to understand and move the group through stages of it’s development skillfully;

Who should attend: People who work with groups/teams such as:

  • Racial/Social Justice practitioners

  • Substance abuse Counselors

  • Therapists

  • Team/Life Coaches

  • Ministry leaders

  • Community Empowerment/Engagement Specialists

  • You, who want to enliven your online group experience as you deliver content


  • Date: Upcoming TBD